9:08 PM

"Squid on Strike" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season two. In this episode, Squidward and SpongeBob go on strike.

Believing Mr. Krabs is taking advantage, Squidward convinces naive SpongeBob to join with him and threaten Mr. Krabs with a strike. When Mr. Krabs fires them both, a frustrated Squidward tries to teach SpongeBob the art of picketing, but business only gets better for Mr. Krabs, and Squid is forced to make a stump speech about how they will "destroy the establishment." When Squid has nightmares about being unemployed with SpongeBob forever, he caves into Krabs and they both reach an agreement, but only after SpongeBob takes Squidward literally and entirely destroys the Krusty Krab.


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