9:22 PM

"Artist Unknown" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season two. In this episode, SpongeBob joins Squidward's art class.

Squid is teaching an art class at the adult learning center in Bikini Bottom and SpongeBob turns up as his only student. SpongeBob is a natural and Squid crushes his spirit with all his criticism. SpongeBob leaves the class convinced he has no talent. When and art collector arrives moments later and commissions Squid to make a statue for the park, Squid realizes he needs SpongeBob's help and begs him to come back and try again. But SpongeBob can longer perform like he did and his art now comes out as bad as Squid's. Frustrated with SpongeBob, Squid destroys all of the supplies and the land in a heap behind him. When the art collector arrives he asks if the heap is his statue and Squid denies he has anything to do with it. We reveal the heap and it is an amazing statue that gets erected in the park with the plaque underneath reading "artist unknown". Squid is never recognized as an artist at all.


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